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Printed Work


Achieving Development Results: Infographics

Infographics are in vogue due to mounting information in business reports. I was tasked with highlighting the key infographics for the PHRD Fund which is supported by World Bank Group and the government of Japan. They needed visuals for all the projects that they not only funded but made a difference in many countries.


These posters were done for a variety of purposes. The use of type and color are the strongest part of each of these works. 

olivias art exhibit_edited.jpg
Baltimore Union White Jersey.png


Clothing is a billboard for a person's style and brand. Using this platform I have elevated different brands/ teams/ or uniforms to their vision and goals.   

Brochures/ Mailers

This project was for Prospect and Marvin Chapel UMC. They wanted a campaign to highlight their activities and services to the general community. To notify the addition of a service and the types of services. This campaign went out to over 10,000 households.

What's inside mock up_edited.jpg
adams menu FINAL-01_edited_edited.jpg


This particular project was commissioned for a couple that was getting married. The groom wanted to surprise his wife-to-be with a designed board of all the delectable food that they wanted to sell in a restaurant that they had dreamed to own in the future. 


This photography commision from the Light Factory is to showcase their latest chandelier products. This shoot was a challenge because of the reflective nature of the globes. Through using lighting techniques I was able to capture the orbs in their most beautiful state.

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